Young people across the country are facing a mental health emergency.

Tragically, suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth aged 10-24. And a recent survey by The Trevor Project of LGBTQ youth found that 42% seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year, including more than half of transgender and nonbinary youth.

10 Things To Tell You Podcast Logo

From the National Alliance on Mental Illness 

Young people across the country are facing a mental health emergency. Tragically, suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth aged 10-24. And a recent survey by The Trevor Project of LGBTQ youth found that 42% seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year, including more than half of transgender and nonbinary youth.

There’s no doubt that our youth need help, but too many communities don’t have systems in place to help youth and young adults in a mental health or suicidal crisis.

The pandemic has worsened mental health symptoms in children and adolescents. Rates of emergency department visits for suicide attempts among youth and young adults age 12-25 surged during the pandemic, and leading children’s health organizations recently declared a children’s mental health emergency.

988, The Nationwide Mental Health and Suicidal Crisis Line

Congress must urgently act to #ReimagineCrisis so that youth and young adults get the crisis care and support they need to stay healthy and resilient.

Congress has proposed to invest more than $100 million in the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline ahead of next year’s launch of 988, a nationwide mental health and suicidal crisis line, as well as $7.2 million for specialized Lifeline services for LGBTQ youth. We need this – and more.

For Day 3 of REIMAGINE: A 988 Week of Action, urge your members of Congress to #ReimagineCrisis and invest in a mental health crisis response system that is equipped to help youth and young adults in crisis and meet their unique needs.

988 will not be available widely until July 2022. If you or a loved one are experiencing a crisis, please call the National Suicide Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text “NAMI” to 741741.