by The Mental Health Blogger | Apr 30, 2023 | Youth
SPREAD ACCEPTANCE, SUPPORT for PEOPLE STRUGGLING WITH MENTAL HEALTH CHALLENGES When it comes to mental health, small actions equal big impact. If you are worried about your mental health or are worried about someone you know, there are resources and people out there...
by The Mental Health Blogger | Apr 29, 2023 | Mental Health Legislation
OK Senate passes bill to help homeless people with severe mental illness The Oklahoma Senate has passed HB 2745 that aims to help homeless people with severe mental illnesses. Senate approves bill to help homeless people with severe mental illness OKLAHOMA CITY— The...
by The Mental Health Blogger | Apr 25, 2023 | Mental Health, Students, Youth
Sen. Dewayne Pemberton is principal Senate author of HB1035 to provide excused absences for student mental health counseling, etc. The full Senate passed legislation Tuesday to provide families more support when it comes to protecting the mental health of their...
by The Mental Health Blogger | Apr 4, 2023 | Oklahoma
988 MENTAL HEALTH LICENSE PLATE WILL FUND SUICIDE PREVENTION EFFORTS Oklahoma is the first state to feature the national 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline on a state license plate. The public may order the plate now for $40, a fee which must be renewed annually. More...
by The Mental Health Blogger | Apr 1, 2023 | Oklahoma
New Psychiatric Hospital Projected to Open in Late 2024, Early 2025 An unprecedented public-private partnership for better mental health was showcased yesterday at a ceremonial groundbreaking for the new Oklahoma Psychiatric Care Center in downtown Tulsa. New Oklahoma...
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