Plan Would Expand Mental Health, Drug Abuse Treatment
“And let’s get all Americans the mental health services they need. More people can turn for help. And full parity between physical and mental health care if we treat it that way in our insurance.” President Biden, March 2, 2022

National Council in AP Wire Story
“I cannot remember a time when every committee of jurisdiction has held hearings on mental health,” said Charles Ingoglia, president of the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. “Sometimes we have gone years between dedicated hearings on mental health.” (Excerpt from Associated Press Story, March 2, 2022)
988, CCBHC’s Highlighted in AP News Coverage of State of the Union
“This July, the government will launch a new suicide prevention hotline number — 988. Biden’s plan calls for nearly $700 million to bolster local crisis centers that can handle follow-up. The idea is to address such basics as operating hours and staffing in preparation for an expected increase in calls when three-digit dialing takes effect.
The plan also calls for making permanent an experimental program that has expanded access to 24/7 mental health and substance abuse services. It’s called Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics, modeled on federally funded community health centers that have become a foundation for basic medical care in low-income communities. The behavioral health centers rely on peer counselors who have survived their own trauma to pull others out of crisis. The approach has bipartisan support.